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Artistic and Somatic Insights



Essence of this Seed:

*SoulCollage and other collaging art

*Mandala art (see Tending Grief for examples)

*Walking the labyrinth (several locations available)

*Dance as a Spiritual Practice (see the page for offerings)

*Qi Gong

*Forest Bathing Walks in the Redwoods

*Recommendations for Somatic Practitioners

*Watercolor painting

*Ceramics and Clay

*Land of Medicine Buddha 8 Verses Pilgrim Trail


"I Spy With My Little Eye"



"Earth Vision"

Community f Communities.jpg

"Community of Communities"


"Broken and Whole"

 Welcome to the Wonderful World of SoulCollage!


SoulCollage is an expressive arts practice for self-knowledge and discovery.


It is a spiritual practice that can provide personal guidance that meets you where you are, reminds you where you've been, and helps envision where you want to go.

The process involves crafting an 8x5 collaged card, combining images and engaging our imagination, intuition, and insight. When finished, we read the card by finishing a sentence stem like:

    "I am one who..." essentially inviting the card to tell us about ourselves.


Workshops can be organized in several different ways:

*personal or one-on-one time of contemplation

*a group of friends can gather to celebrate or commemorate an important occasion like wedding, birthday, promotion, death of a beloved, etc.

*a person can be a part of an on-going group for a deeper dive into the practice

*occasional workshops are offered following a Conscious Dance so that we may continue working with what came up for us in the dance practice

SoulCollage is an intimate way of tapping into our own hearts and souls for the betterment of our lives, relationships, and ways of being in the world.

For more info, check out the website:

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