⭐ Happy New Year
may 2025 be one of Justice, Generosity, and Love⭐

Stories of Seeds
The Redwood Cone
My family and I live amongst the mighty redwoods of Santa Cruz County and, as I write, I am seated in a tree house, built to hang in the center of a redwood ring.
The mother tree was felled in the late 1800’s when this whole area was clear-cut (it's hard to imagine!). When our children were young, my husband Scott built the tree house for them and they had fun for a while but eventually lost interest. Since then it has been a watercolor studio, a guest bedroom, even a friend lived here for over a year. Now it is my study and I love being in here.
These redwoods are sentries of this region; they are sentient beings and see much in their long lives. They watch and listen to the living of their neighbors. They hold vigil for life all around and hold each other up via an intricate root system. It is amazing that, like many trees, these mighty beings grow from a seed the size of half a lentil.
It feels sacred to be where the mother tree once was, to be held and supported by her daughters. I am grateful for this!
The Dance of the Maple Seed
Have you ever seen a maple seed detach from the tree and float down to the ground? It has a wing that makes it move in a-whirl, a-twirl, and a-swirl! It shifts with the wind and flutters around on the air, dancing all the way to the ground, and it is a joy to watch.
The way maple seeds develop on the tree is with two parts facing each other, their heads together, wings bowed out-and-around with the slightly ruffled inside edges. These seeds look like live moths, and moths dance too!
The trees themselves, with their graceful arching branches, wave their hand shaped leaves to the rhythm of the wind, greeting us as we pass by.
The Golden Apple
The Silver Bough or Sacred Apple Branch